Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Game Review

The game I have played is “Call of Duty Black Ops”. Before Black Ops there has many call of duty games passed such as Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, World At war and many others. Call of Duty is now very popular in the society and over 2.5 billion copies have been sold. Moreover, this is a game that pulls together many of the best aspects of other, similar games, and also includes all sorts of little "wish-list items" that may have crossed your mind while playing those other games.
              The setting and the characters of the game goes like this.
1)      On February 25, 1968, SAD/SOG operative Alex Mason is strapped to a chair in an interrogation room.
2)      In 1961, Mason, Woods, and Bowman attempt to assassinate Fidel Castro during the Bay of pigs operation 40. invasion of Cuba as a part of
3)      In October 1945, Reznov, Dragovich, Kravchenko, and Dimitri Petrenko were a part of a unit sent to locate Steiner, hiding with a unit of the SS in the Arctic circle.
4)      In November 1963, Mason, Woods, Bowman and Weaver are dispatched to Baikonur Cosmodrome in the Kazakh SSR to disrupt the Soiet space progr and eliminate members of the Soviet Ascension program.
5)       By 1968, the MACV - SOG was established in Vietnam to investigate the Soviets' presence.
                                         This game also offers multiplayer option in online Call of Duty so basically two players can play at the same time. In this game players have to take kills and complete the challenges if they want to prestige and more kills you have the better ratio you have. On the other hand this game has have zombies. As a players purpose in Zombies levels go up as you kill the zombies. So players basically kills the zombies and make their way to higher levels and after their game is over their name comes in world recorded and write now the highest level reached in zombies is 84 and I can surely say that that would have took at least 35 hours to reach there. Many people play this game for different objectives such as some play for fun, some play for their record, some play to go to the last prestige as soon as possible. So basically, people target their own perspectives to play this game.
                           Call of Duty has fewer reasons to be a bad game such as it has violence in it, several of swearing words which can actually have a bad impact on the kids. Moreover, after playing the game many kids even demand their parents to buy them a gun so basically this game can have a bad impact on some f the kids mind. On the other hand, it’s a good game to play because you can actually talk to people through the game and share your experiences with people around the world. Moreover, it is very fun to play and very entertaining.
                                      In conclusion, this game is very interesting an addicting to play. I would recommend that this game should be allowed to play for children over 16 years of age under parents restrictions and if a 12 years old kid is playing, please keep th volume of the television low because the violence can have a bad effects on the ears.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Computer games

1) Computer game is a game that is either played on PC or laptop. There are many different games and with graphics whereas the quality of the computer also effects the graphics of the games. Moreover, many people use it as a source of entertainment and stress relief and educational purposes. Furthermore, games are controlling objects which can be also be played with controller. 

2)  A good game is which includes good graphics, has high speed gaming , good sound quality. Moreover, if a  person want to buy a good game one should really look for views and comments. Good games should be hard to solve and takes time to understand. Moreover, a good game should be challenging.

3) 3. A bad game can be the one which is shorter than it is needed to be. Moreover, some games have slow processing can can be counted as a bad game. A bad game can also be easier to play not like that much challenging that people expect. furthermore, a bad game also includes, low graphic quality, sound quality which also affects one's vision.

Monday, April 11, 2011

3.5 ... assighment 2..... number 3

How does it work?
Give an example
Peer-to-peer network operating systems allow users to share resources and files located on their computers and to access shared resources found on other computers. However, they do not have a file server or a centralized management source. In a peer-to-peer network, all computers are considered equal; they all have the same abilities to use the resources available on the network. Peer-to peer networks are designed primarily for small to medium local area networks. AppleShare and Windows for Workgroups are examples of programs that can function as peer-to-peer network operating

Client/server network operating systems allow the network to centralize functions and applications in one
or more dedicated file servers. The file servers become the heart of the system, providing
access to resources and providing security. Individual workstations (clients) have access to the resources available on the file servers. The network operating system provides the mechanism to integrate all the components of the network and allow multiple users to simultaneously share the same resources irrespective of physical location. Novell Netware and Windows 2000 Server are examples of client/server network operating systems.

- Less initial expense - No need for a dedicated server.

- Setup - An operating system (such as Windows XP) already in place may only need to be reconfigured for peer-to-peer operations.

- Centralized - Resources and data security are controlled through the server.

-  Scalability - Any or all elements can be replaced individually as needs increase.

- Flexibility - New technology can be easily integrated into system.

- Interoperability - All components (client/network/server) work together.

- Accessibility - Server can be accessed remotely and across multiple platforms.
- Decentralized - No central repository for files and applications.

- Security - Does not provide the security available on a client/server network.
- Expense - Requires initial investment in dedicated server.

- Maintenance - Large networks will require a staff to ensure efficient operation.

- Dependence - When server goes down, operations will cease across the network.

Friday, April 8, 2011

3.5 ..... Assignment 2 .. number 1


              1) Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) Cable 


                                          2) Coaxial Cable


                                     3) Fiber Optic Cable

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

3.3 Inside Computers

1)  There are 2 RAM chips. Both the chips were together and were located on the motherboard. We come to know the quantity of RAM by reading a white sticker pasted on the RAM chip. Both the chips have 120MB of RAM individually. These can be removed by clicking the two white switches (Top and bottom) in the direction opposite to the original one and then pull the chip. Yes, we were comfortable doing this with our own computer.

2. The Hard Drive is located on extreme right on the upper corner of the tower. It is      
Connected to the motherboard with two wires called IDE Cable and SATA Cable. the amount of hard drive in written on the hard drive and there was 148 Gb of hard drive.

3) It is located at the top left corner of the tower. It uses 94 watts. I think the advantages of low watt power and high watt power supply is:
   Low watt power supply                                                         High Watt power supply
 1) Usage of less power of the computer                               1) High speed computer                      
       2) Less energy wasting by the computer                              2) Less time for starting

4. It's located on the motherboard. The CPU is located under the heat sink fan. It’s not that hard to access you just need to know how to put it back safely and carefully on its right place. I think it is set up this way so that the fan in front of this takes all the hot air the CPU leaves.

5) The optical drive is on the front of the tower. Its CD Drive and DVD drive. I know this because computer doesn’t work with Blu-ray CDs or DVDs.

6) There is only one fan on the top OF CPU. I think reasons that we would not need more fans because CPU is the major part of the computer that needs to cool down because that where everything is coming. If the computer is working like whole 24 hours the fan helps the CPU to cools down so that it can work infinitely. Sometimes you may have noticed that CPU makes some noise like air coming out of it that’s where you your CPU need to cool down and the fan helps it to work again.

7)  Yes, there is video card in the computer and it is a dedicated video card. It is a graphic card that is used for gaming in the computer. This video card provides good graphics for the game so that people can have fun playing it.

8) Yes, there is a sound card. I know because it is located on the motherboard. Moreover, in the front of the CPU if you really like to hear the music with headphones they have space for wires to get into the tower or the Computer.

9) The three possible hardware upgrades for this computer are a webcam, a printer and speakers

10)  Three advantages of upgrading an old computer rather than buying a new one:
        - No wastage of money
        - You can assemble a new window in an old computer and gain some Knowledge    
           about how to do it.
        - you save time

The one disadvantage is the old one can cause problems because it’s still got an old CPU.  Moreover, some new Hardware’s or software’s will not work on old computers. Furthermore the computer will work slow.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

3.2 Building or Buying

3 advantages of building a PC 
     -  Most Parts Come With a 1-Year Warranty
     - Low Cost
     - You Will Learn so Much and building a computer is a great skill

3 advantages of buying a PC 
     - Technical Support
     -  Less knowlege required
      - Already made for you you don`t have to waste extra time to make some parts. 

i would go with building a PC rather than buying it because Most computer systems come pre-built with the specifications and components already selected for you. This often can lead the user to have to sacrifice certain features that they may not want to give up. By building a computer from components, the user is able to choose the parts that best match the computer system they desire. 
Moreover, you gain some knowledge about computers by actually looking at the parts  and knowing where to put them. This way you working more like an Engineer by using your critical thinking.

Monday, March 14, 2011

3.1 Introducation to computer systems

1) TOWER: A Tower refers to a computer in which the power supply, motherboard, and mass storage devices are stacked on top of each other in a cabinet. This is in contrast to desktop models, in which these components are housed in a more compact box. The main advantage of tower models is that there are fewer space constraints, which makes installation of additional storage devices easier. A tower is made up of many different components. Each part has specific functions.

2) RAM: RAM is the part of your computer that is used as instant memory. RAM comes in many different configurations, such as DDR2 and DDR3. The type of motherboard you have will determine your RAM. RAM stores information for actively running programs so that data can be accessed and used rapidly. Contrast it to the hard drive where it has to physically write and read every bit of information, which would be far too slow to use for RAM. RAM stands for Random Access Memory. 

3) HARD DRIVE: It is the part of the computer that stores all your information. If you upload a picture to your computer, it is stored on the hard drive. Hard drive capacity is measure in gigabytes, or GB. There are typically two ways that hard drives can connect to the motherboard: SATA and IDE.  


4)DVD AND DVD DRIVE:  DVD and DVD drive is an optical Disc storage media format. DVD discs offer higher storage capacity than compact discs while having the same dimensions. DVD discs are used in DVD- Video consumer digital video format and in DVD-Audio consumer digital audio format, as well as for authoring AVCHD Discs. DVD discs containing other types of information may be referred to as DVD data discs. Its main uses are video and data storage.

5) ETHERNET CABLE: An Ethernet crossover cable is a type of Ethernet cable used to connect computing devices together directly where they would normally be connected via a network switch, hub or router, such as directly connecting two personal computers via their network interface controllers. When a terminal device is connected to a switch or hub, this crossover is done internally in the switch or hub. A standard straight through cable is used for this purpose where each pin of the connector on one end is connected to the corresponding pin on the other connector. One terminal device may be connected directly to another without the use of a switch or hub, but in that case the crossover must be done externally in the cable or modular crossover adapter. Since 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX use pairs 2 and 3, these two pairs must be swapped in the cable. This is a crossover cable. A crossover cable must also be used to connect two internally crossed devices (e.g., two hubs) as the internal crossovers cancel each other out. 

6) MOTHERBOARD: The motherboard is the part of your computer that wires all of the other parts together. Every component of your computer, from the DVD burner to the CPU, will connect directly into the motherboard. Motherboard specs are typically designed around which processor (CPU). 


The IDE cable connects CD drives and Hard drives to the mother board. They transfer data and commands between the devices but not power. The side of the cable with a red line indicates pin #1 and that has to be toward the correct position as indicated on the drives and Motherboard. On drives it usually connects nearest the power connector and The Serial ATA bus [SATA] is the serial version of the IDE [ATA] spec. SATA uses a 4 conductor cable with two differential pairs [Tx/Rx], plus an additional three grounds pins and a separate power connector. Data runs at 150MBps [1.5GHz] using 8GB/10GB encoding and 250mV signal swings, with a maximum bus length of 1 meter. Later SATA  enhancements move the data transfer speed to; 300MBps [3.0Gbps], and then 600MBps [6.0Gbps].

8) USB: Universal Serial Bus (USB), an external bus standard that supports data transfer rates of 12 Mbps. A single USB port can be used to connect up to 127 peripheral devices such as mice, modems, and keyboards. USB also supports plug and play installation and hot plugging.

9) VIDEO CARD: Video card is a graphic card, the component of your computer that interprets video signal. These cards are necessary so that you can connect a monitor to your computer. There are many types of graphic cards available: anything from high-end gaming cards to TV tuner cards. Some popular graphic card manufacturers are NVIDIA, ATI, and EVGA. The function of the video card is to generate output images to a display. Many video cards offer added functions, such as accelerated rendering of 3D scenes and 2D , graphics video capture, TV-tuner adapter, MPEG-2/MPEG-4 decoding, FireWire, light pen, TV output, or the ability to connect multiple monitors. Other modern high performance video cards are used for more graphically demanding purposes, such as PC games. 

10) PCI CARD: PCI card is a computer bus for attaching hardware devices in a computer. These devices can take either the form of an integrated circuit fitted onto the motherboard itself, called a planar device in the PCI specification, or an expansion card that fits into a slot. The PCI Local Bus is common in modern PCs, where it has displaced ISA and VESA local bus as the standard expansion bus, and it also appears in many other computer types. Despite the availability of faster interfaces such as PCI-X and PCI express, conventional PCI remains a very common interface. PCi stands for Peripheral Component Interconnect.

3.0 Background check

1) In computer you can download any software you are interested in. Computer also includes Random Acess Memory (RAM), this tells how much space your computer have. Morepver You can store your data in it. There are two types of RAM Static RAM and Dynamic RAM. Read-only memory (ROM) is used to store media used in computers and other electronic devices. Data stored in ROM cannot be modified, or can be modified only slowly or with difficulty. The real computer is in the Central Processing System (CPU).

2) Computer word is little bit complicated to a new person and same situation is with me. I would like to learn how to reboot a acomputer. Likewise, assemble it. I would like to learn how to find the cookies to the internet if one delete it. Furthermore, i would like to know about the internal parts of the computer that makes it run.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Magazine cover citations

George Bush (Online image), March 12, 2011.

Khanda (Online image), March 12, 2011.

Turban (Online image), March 12, 2011.

Price tag (Online image), March 12, 2011.

plus Sign (Online image), March 12, 2011.

New (Online image), march 13, 2011

Moustache (Online image)

Magazine Cover

This magazine covers relates to politics and tells the people " why can't George Bush be the next Punjabi President of India".  Designing this involved a lot of thinking and according to my perspective the ideas are related to the magazine cover. Moreover, i used color scheme designer to make it look realistic and because of the typography project we did i got little ideas from there like how to organize my text.  To design this magazine i drew a rough draft on the paper first to just to give me a little idea how my magazine cover will look like and then i used the appropriate picture that will suit in the magazine to make it look attractive. i chose George bush because my magazines related to politician magazine so i chose to make it something different so that the audience would like it. Finally, i uploaded my magazine cover on the blog and i have put my 100% into it. Hope You would like it and find it funny!!!!!! Thanks. 

Saturday, March 5, 2011

2.8 A Typography

I think i deserve 4 points in this activity because of the creativity appearance and the attractiveness of the picture.

Friday, March 4, 2011

2.8 b type within type

I think i deserve 4 points in this activity becuase it took me too much time to atcually think how to organize my information and how to make it look attractive and eye catching.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

2.7 CD Cover

I think i deserve 4 points in this activity because i think the cover is very attractive and also requires very good colour theory.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Negative Spaces

In the article i liked how they showed a logo of Peter Ryan with a negative spaced P in between the R that looks very intelligent. Moreover in the article they showed how to use photography in negative spaces from that i learned a little bit more about photography. You can also make a website organized by having some knowledge about negative spaces by advance in your mind and i think overall, from the article i did learned something new.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

digital devolpment media citations

Khanda (online Image)$file/ExpKhanda2.jpg, February 23, 2011.

women (online image), February 23, 2011.

mountains (Online Image), February 23, 2011.

Dj (Online Image), March 2, 2011.

digital devolpment media marks

                           2.1 Logo Banner
I think i deserve 4 points because i have put a shiny picture on my logo which and very attractive to look and fascinating to look at is well and this picture also related to my religion.

                                       2.2 Colour palette
 I think i deserve 4 points in this activity because i chose appropriated color palettes for every single category and the colors i chose are very attractive colors.

2.3 Colour theory
I think i deserve 4 points in color theory activity because i have put my 100 percent effort to complete this and in perspective i have them look very beautiful and attractive so think i deserve full marks out of this activity.

2.4 A) portrait
I think i deserve 3.5 points out of 4 in this activity because my portrait doesn't look very realistic.

2.4 B) Landscape Minipulation 
I think i deserve 4 points in landscape manipulation activity because i have the made the picture very detailed and made it look very attractive and fascinating. 

landscape minipulation


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Colour theory

1) Monochromatic

2) Complementary 

3) Split - Complementary

4) Double - Complementary

5) Anagolous

6) Triad

Friday, February 18, 2011

learning blog # 6

i think firework is very good to use becuase you can turn your 100 year old black and white picture into new year generation colored picture i m having trouble in using the color scheme. i want to learn how to edit the pictures.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Colour palette



 I chose these colors because man teams in sports have these colors in common to make their Jerseys and many will often wear these colors in the games because they represent sports.
                                          Rockstar Barbie packaging

I chose these colors because barbie represents pink, and the colurs other than pink represents for her clothing.
Website for Hair salon

I chose these colors because many hair salons have walls painted in these colors because these colors influences the attraction of the customer, and make the customer feel like they are sitting in a cool place.

CD Cover for your favorite band

I chose these colors because many music lovers like to wear these colors during music concerts to represents the instruments of the band.

Popcorn Bag

I chose these colors because these are the colors most often seen on popcorn bag and i chose pink because it would be a girl color which little kid girls like, so they will be influenced by the color and ask their parents to buy popcorn. 

New lines of cars from Nissan

I chose these colors because these colurs are very common on cars and as an example we we see these colurs everybody and furthermore we also uses it, but the reason i chose yellow because some people buy yellow cars just to represent their favourite hockey, volleyball or football teams.

Hotel lobby in Dubai 

I chose these colors because Dubai is a very structural country and the buildings may be often like to paint their buildings yellow to just to show that are living in gold.

Clothing line for 13 - 18 years olds

I chose these colors because these colors are the colors most often seen teens wearing and some teens wear them because their favorite sport team wears this color jersey.

Billboard for a preschool

I chose these colors because these are the colors most often used in preschools and as well in high schools. the reason i chose blue and pink because little children like girls like pink because they like barbie and she wears pink so they would often  like working on pink more rather than other colors.

Magazine ad for Drunk Driving

I chose these colors because all these color represents danger.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

learning blg # 5

1) i want to make a comment on how they have rehabs for gaming addiction i would say it is cool becuase addictioin is something that is hard to get out of.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

learning blog # 4

1) No, our group will not be able to present without powerpoint because it's hard to make 100% eye contact with audience and some pictures give better explanation of what we are trying to say if pictures will not be there to explain, presentation will not be very attractive. Moreover audience will be bored becuase they are just looking at us.

2) Yes, in my prespective i would be 100% relient on powerpoint becuase it makes the presentation more attractive and and it also increases your confidence because if the audience didn't understand you,  pictures make better sence for the audience.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Learning blog # 3

Powerpoint is a source to share your views to the audience and it just helps to make more sence for sudience if they didn't understood your points. To make an efective powerpoint presentation don't crouch your presentation ; write point to point and be as pacific as you can. to make a good presentation i will add pictures, bullet ponts and put animations to make it look good. Moreover i will have have my background customized.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Learning blog #2 (Ebay)

1) I found intersting in my websites is you can do both selling and buying online on your comoputer by sitting home and moreover it contains many diffrent categories such as cars etc, and you can buy anthing you want to.

2) I wounder about about how does the company make profit and how does the website organize things.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

learning blog # 1

1) My expectations for this course are to gain knowlege about using softwares such as Powerpoint, photoshop and to know about the websites where i can get good information from for my projects.

2) I want to learn about how to use photoshop, how to make online websites and how to make animations 2D and 3D both.

3) my previous experience with computers is i have learned to use microsoft word and procedures of using it, playing games like cricket, going to facebook or other communicating sources and to find information for my projects in any subjects.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Citing sources

Internet Citations

Any information you use from a book or magazine for a report should be noted or cited in your bibliography. Citing information means you are giving credit for the work to its author. There are specific forms to follow for each kind of source.

Citation format

Be sure you fill in the citation exactly as it is written, with information from your source. You must follow your school’s preferred citation method exactly. What follows are examples of citation formats for specific Internet resources.

World Wide Web

Author. Title of item. [Online] Available http://address/filename, date of document or, if not available, date of download.

Cintas, Benjamin. The Cold War Revisited: A splintered Germany. [Online] Available
germany.htm, November 5, 1996.

Online image

Description or title of image. (Online Image) Available http://address/filename, date of document or, if not available, date of download.

Online sound

Description or title of sound. (Online Sound) Available http://address/filename, date of document or, if not available, date of download.

Online video clip

Description or title of video clip. (Online Video Clip) Available http://address/filename, date of document or, if not available, date of download.

Other Resources to Cite

- E-mail
- Newsgroups


Cricket. [Online] Available , Feburary 1, 2011.

The batsman playing his cricket shot. (online image) Available, Feburary 2, 2011.

Bowler bowling and batsman playing his cricket shot. (online image) Available, Feb 2, 2011.

This video is online Cricket coaching. (online sound) Available, Feb 2, 2011

Yuvi's 6 Sixes (T20 world cup). (online video clip) Availbale , Feb 2, 2011.

                                             Golden Temple

Golden temple. [Online] Available, Feb 2, 2011.

Golden temple in lights. (online image) Available Feb 2, 2011.

Main enternace of Golden temple. (online image) Available, Feb 2, 2011.

Harmandir Sahib | Golden Temple History. (online sound) Available, Feb 2, 2011.

The Golden Temple Amritsar. (online video) Availble, Feb 2,2011.