Wednesday, March 16, 2011

3.3 Inside Computers

1)  There are 2 RAM chips. Both the chips were together and were located on the motherboard. We come to know the quantity of RAM by reading a white sticker pasted on the RAM chip. Both the chips have 120MB of RAM individually. These can be removed by clicking the two white switches (Top and bottom) in the direction opposite to the original one and then pull the chip. Yes, we were comfortable doing this with our own computer.

2. The Hard Drive is located on extreme right on the upper corner of the tower. It is      
Connected to the motherboard with two wires called IDE Cable and SATA Cable. the amount of hard drive in written on the hard drive and there was 148 Gb of hard drive.

3) It is located at the top left corner of the tower. It uses 94 watts. I think the advantages of low watt power and high watt power supply is:
   Low watt power supply                                                         High Watt power supply
 1) Usage of less power of the computer                               1) High speed computer                      
       2) Less energy wasting by the computer                              2) Less time for starting

4. It's located on the motherboard. The CPU is located under the heat sink fan. It’s not that hard to access you just need to know how to put it back safely and carefully on its right place. I think it is set up this way so that the fan in front of this takes all the hot air the CPU leaves.

5) The optical drive is on the front of the tower. Its CD Drive and DVD drive. I know this because computer doesn’t work with Blu-ray CDs or DVDs.

6) There is only one fan on the top OF CPU. I think reasons that we would not need more fans because CPU is the major part of the computer that needs to cool down because that where everything is coming. If the computer is working like whole 24 hours the fan helps the CPU to cools down so that it can work infinitely. Sometimes you may have noticed that CPU makes some noise like air coming out of it that’s where you your CPU need to cool down and the fan helps it to work again.

7)  Yes, there is video card in the computer and it is a dedicated video card. It is a graphic card that is used for gaming in the computer. This video card provides good graphics for the game so that people can have fun playing it.

8) Yes, there is a sound card. I know because it is located on the motherboard. Moreover, in the front of the CPU if you really like to hear the music with headphones they have space for wires to get into the tower or the Computer.

9) The three possible hardware upgrades for this computer are a webcam, a printer and speakers

10)  Three advantages of upgrading an old computer rather than buying a new one:
        - No wastage of money
        - You can assemble a new window in an old computer and gain some Knowledge    
           about how to do it.
        - you save time

The one disadvantage is the old one can cause problems because it’s still got an old CPU.  Moreover, some new Hardware’s or software’s will not work on old computers. Furthermore the computer will work slow.

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