Saturday, March 12, 2011

Magazine Cover

This magazine covers relates to politics and tells the people " why can't George Bush be the next Punjabi President of India".  Designing this involved a lot of thinking and according to my perspective the ideas are related to the magazine cover. Moreover, i used color scheme designer to make it look realistic and because of the typography project we did i got little ideas from there like how to organize my text.  To design this magazine i drew a rough draft on the paper first to just to give me a little idea how my magazine cover will look like and then i used the appropriate picture that will suit in the magazine to make it look attractive. i chose George bush because my magazines related to politician magazine so i chose to make it something different so that the audience would like it. Finally, i uploaded my magazine cover on the blog and i have put my 100% into it. Hope You would like it and find it funny!!!!!! Thanks. 

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