Wednesday, February 23, 2011

digital devolpment media marks

                           2.1 Logo Banner
I think i deserve 4 points because i have put a shiny picture on my logo which and very attractive to look and fascinating to look at is well and this picture also related to my religion.

                                       2.2 Colour palette
 I think i deserve 4 points in this activity because i chose appropriated color palettes for every single category and the colors i chose are very attractive colors.

2.3 Colour theory
I think i deserve 4 points in color theory activity because i have put my 100 percent effort to complete this and in perspective i have them look very beautiful and attractive so think i deserve full marks out of this activity.

2.4 A) portrait
I think i deserve 3.5 points out of 4 in this activity because my portrait doesn't look very realistic.

2.4 B) Landscape Minipulation 
I think i deserve 4 points in landscape manipulation activity because i have the made the picture very detailed and made it look very attractive and fascinating. 

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