Tuesday, March 15, 2011

3.2 Building or Buying

3 advantages of building a PC 
     -  Most Parts Come With a 1-Year Warranty
     - Low Cost
     - You Will Learn so Much and building a computer is a great skill

3 advantages of buying a PC 
     - Technical Support
     -  Less knowlege required
      - Already made for you you don`t have to waste extra time to make some parts. 

i would go with building a PC rather than buying it because Most computer systems come pre-built with the specifications and components already selected for you. This often can lead the user to have to sacrifice certain features that they may not want to give up. By building a computer from components, the user is able to choose the parts that best match the computer system they desire. 
Moreover, you gain some knowledge about computers by actually looking at the parts  and knowing where to put them. This way you working more like an Engineer by using your critical thinking.

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